
Small Dictionary Hidde BOOK SAFE

Price: HK$ 98
Product Code:CASHBOX-SB-S-MS

Looks and feels just like the real thing. Need a place to store extra cash, jewelry, etc. Doing some traveling. Diversion safes provide the perfect hiding place and allow you easy access to your valuables. Why use a diversion safe. Most burglars spend less than six minutes inside a victim's home and only have time to check the most obvious places for valuables. These unique safes allow you to hide valuables inside common household products - one of the last places a thief would think to look.

High quality & perfect for use in office or the home
It looks like a dictionary, actually it is a cash box
The "dictionary" has added more of a sense of mystery in your bookcase!
In or out of the book shelf this amazing product looks like a normal book.
Fantastic deluxe book safe, sturdy metal construction, tough and robust to keep money, jewellery or any other prize possession safe and secure discreetly .
The product comes with 2 keys.

Material: Metal
Dimennsion(L x W x H):(7.17 x 4.61 x 2.24)" / (180 x 115 x 55mm)
Colour:Black, Blue, Red, Green, Brown 
Wight:500 g