
Winsor & Newton Acrylic Painting Medium - 75 ml

Price: HK$ 22
Product Code:ART-WINSOR&NEWTON-113143001

Acrylic Painting Medium
Dilution acrylic paint,  maintain gloss, transparency and fluency.

Brand: Winsor & Newton
Specifications: 75ml / bottle
Description: Acrylic paints are made to be thinned with water, but if you add too much water you run the risk that there's not enough binder in the paint for it to stick properly to the canvas or paper. Acrylic painting medium intended for thinning paint basically consist of the binder used in acrylic paint ("colourless paint") and so ensure the paint will stick.

Some glazing mediums seem milky white but dry clear without changing the colour. If in doubt, do a test before using it on a painting.