Deli 9915 碎紙機

Price: HK$ 1,550
Product Code:A19060-MSH-DELI9915


- Anion sterilization, provide you a better office atmosphere
- Quiet machine design will keep your office away from noise
- Excellent design on elegant figure and fashion colour
- Tempered steel blades insure perfect cutting and durable life time
- Motor will power off while the dust bin is drawn out
- Motor will reverse automatically to prevent jam-up in case of overload
- View window will remind you of cleaning the dust bin timely
- Paper is fed automatically by infrared sensor

型號:9915 Model: 9915
入紙口寬度:230mm Insertion Width : 230mm
碎紙尺吋:3 x 15 mm Cross Shred: 3 x 15 mm
碎CD:1張CD碎成5小片 CD Shred: Shred to 5 small pieces
保密等級:3 Security Level: 3
碎紙速度:2米/分鐘 Shred Speed(m/min): 2m/min
碎紙能力:10張(70g 紙) Sheet Capacity 10 Sheets (70g paper)
耐用氮化鋼刀頭 Durable Steel Cutter
廢紙桶容量:21公升 Volume of Cabinet (Litres): 21 L
機器體積:370x235x545mm Dimensions (WxDxH) : 370x235x545mm
功率:255 W Power: 255 W
重量:12公斤 Weight: 12 kg
噪音:低於55分貝 Noise: Less than 55 db
產地:中國 Made in China

特 性
- 產生負離子,給予健康環境
- 靜音設計締造寧靜工作環境
- 全新顏色設計,外型高貴典雅
- 氮化鋼刀切割整齊,持久耐用
- 抽屜拉出時會自動停機确保安全
- 透視窗口可見紙屑滿紙程度,令你及時清理紙屑
- 碎紙張數過量馬達會自動退紙,適當減少紙張可重新碎紙
- 為避免馬達過熱損壞機器,當機器連續工作10分鐘左右會自動停機保護