
Workpro 快速固定夾 木工夾 - 24"

Price: HK$ 145
Product Code:D04999 WORKPRO-CLAMP-W032043

The Workpro bar clamp is ideal for the Do-it-yourselfer and hobby enthusiast. Spreader applies precise, consistent pressure to hold work pieces together for gluing or assembly. Press the quick-release button to freely position the jaw, then squeeze the trigger to apply pressure. Once set, the jaw is locked and will not creep. Soft jaw pads offer sure grip, but will not damage surfaces. When the job is finished, simply press the quick release button to let go of the work piece. If you need to push pieces apart or press them against outside surfaces, convert clamp to spreader by loosening wingnut and moving fixed jaw to the opposite end of the bar.

Brand : Workpro
Item : Quick release ratcheting bar clamp
Model : W032043
Size : 24"

Features & Benefits :
- Quickly converts from a clamp to a spreader without the use of tools
- Soft padded jaws to protect work piece
- Ideal for the DIY and hobby enthusiast
- Reinforced nylon construction for strengths

Workpro 快速固定夾非常適合 DIY 及嗜好愛好者。  吊具應用精確,壓力一致將工件固定在一起以進行上膠或組裝。 按下快速釋放按鈕以自由定位夾爪,然後擠壓扳機以施加壓力。 一旦設置好,鉗口就被鎖定,不會蠕動。 柔軟的橡膠顎墊可提供牢固的抓握力,並不會損壞工件表面。 作業完成後,只需按快速釋放按鈕即可放開工件。 如果您需要將碎片推開或將其壓在外表面上,則通過鬆開蝶形螺母並將固定鉗口移至桿的另一端,將夾具轉換為吊具(撐)。


特點與優勢 :
- 無需使用工具即可從夾具快速轉換為吊具
- 柔軟夾爪可保護工件
- 非常適合 DIY 和業餘愛好者
- 堅固的強化尼龍主體

Workpro 快速固定木工夾有多個尺寸可供選購,分別有4"﹑6"﹑12"﹑18" 及 24"